Christmas is finally over and everything is put away. Since our last blog, the church celebrated Christmas on December 23, enjoying the traditional sound of a men's trio who did a wonderful job singing and playing guitars and maracas. The church dinner after the service was very traditional; roast pork, rice, pigeon peas and "pasteles" (a dish made of ground green bananas and an assortment of spices) and flans. The last Sunday of the year was spent viewing photos of the events and accomplishments throughout 2018.
To emphasize "our calling to serve", throughout Christmas the church took up special offerings to help fund a mission project to take place in June. Organized by Santos Torres, one of our colleagues, the goal was to raised money to buy school supplies for hundreds of Dominican children as well as groceries for indigent families. The congregation responded well by giving $550.00 dollars.
The Kings visit the children at church |
Moving into 2019; January 6 was Three Kings' Day, the Puerto Rican equivalent of Christmas. Since it fell on Sunday, the day was made special with a play written by our primary music leader and performed by the church's drama ministry. At the end of the play three of the men dressed as the Kings passed out candy to everyone and gifts to the children.
The twelve ministries of the church are off to the races. All but two or three church members signed up to work in one or two of these opportunities of service. Many of the groups have set dates and goals and met with the members. Just one is waiting attention, Community Outreach. Tomorrow night the leaders meet to give shape and direction to this ministry. I do believe it will be a good year.
Ready to leave for the retreat |
Mountain youth retreat |
Last weekend was our annual youth retreat. We chose a spot perched on the top of a 2,150' mountain. What a beautiful location. The entire southwest corner of the island filled the panorama below us. Although it was one more of many youth retreats we have had (somewhere between 35-45), it was special none the less. The dean for the retreat grew up in our church. He organized a good portion of the retreat and made the calls most of the time. It really was a delight to see him in charge! Since many of the campers were first time campers (most, age twelve), some moms went along to help supervise. They were put to work teaching, cooking and being dorm moms. There were seventeen from our church that attended and four from another congregation, twenty-one in all.
Coming up soon is a women's retreat in February. The ladies from the neighboring town of Hormigueros are in charge this year. Also, coming up on the calendar is Ag
ape/Phileo Sunday just before Valentines Day. Later on we will mark International Missions Sunday and the church's anniversary.
IDES project |
I should add before I close that the two houses being built with IDES funds are progressing nicely. One is more or less done on the outside and all that is lacking is the floor and finish work on the interior. The other is soon to be plastered inside and out. They are turning out beautifully. Hats off to IDES for their help.
That does it till next time. Blessings.
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