December 10, 2019

Each doing his part

Buenas tardes. Hope all is well with you and yours. May the Lord bless you.

Since last time a few events have come and gone such as last weekend when some of our church members participated in a community-wide annual event to reach out to the less-fortunate in our town. The outreach effort, called Amor en Acción, (Love in Action) asked the community groups, both civic and religious, as well as many other profit and non-profit organizations, to join hands under the banner of love to sponsor a one-day effort to show our best wishes for those who are often crushed by circumstances or living out the consequences of wrong choices. These people are often overlooked, ignored and rejected by the greater Aguadilla community. Some are Aguadilla's "publicans and sinners", and most are not unlike the four-thousand and five-thousand who came to Jesus hoping for healing, liberation of some sort and a free plate of food.

One-thousand present

And, as with Christ, the message of salvation seemed to have been ignored by most of the one-thousand attendees. Most came looking for food, medical attention, clothes, counseling, toys for the kids, and other services; all freely provided by forty-seven organizations and churches who banded together to make the event happen. I am reminded of Christ's words when he said, "Many are called but few are chosen." Our job is to "give a cup of water" in the name of Christ, and plant the seed. God must give the increase. Some became believers last Saturday.

Our church did our part by providing hundreds of bottles of water, clothing, and toys for kids. Around ten from the church showed up to work the day of the event or during the week to get everything ready.

Church members helping out

Meanwhile, our church has been collecting toys for children for an event in another part of town. One of the leaders of our Community Outreach ministry asked if the church would support the project. Many joined hands to help out.

Furthermore, we donated some money to buy gifts for the children in the local hospital. One of our church friends took on this project. She and a friend dressed as clowns and visited the children's ward giving out gifts to all the kids.

Last but not least, the congregation collected $200.00 to buy personal items for the aged in an old folks home in a neighboring town. A couple of our members, along with a few musicians, will be providing gifts and music this Saturday.

Behind all of this is one of the key values of our congregation. We MUST be known for our love for each other and for others. That is what Christ taught. Love is not only a noun. It is a verb. Love acts.

On to other things. We did our annual ministry fair last Sunday. Nearly everyone signed up to be involved in two or more of the church's twenty ministry opportunities. Our goal is 100% participation. May God empower us to keep our focus clear to accomplish what we envision for 2020.

Last but not least, Christmas is right around the corner. This Sunday we have a Christmas concert by guest musicians. The 22nd is a cantata produced by our church and the 29th is the year in review. On to January 5th, a troubadour will be with us to bless the church with his talent and then we will be roasting a pig on a spit on the church grounds. It will be joyful to celebrate the Joy of Joys, our Lord and His first advent. Oh how we long for the second advent. "...Even so, come Lord Jesus."

Till next time. Merry Christmas.


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