September 23, 2024

Preaching the word

Hi everyone. It is late September, and everyone is holding their breath in Puerto Rico. We are at the peak of hurricane season. Seven years ago, almost to the day we were beginning to look around at the destruction left by Hurricane Maria, the most destructive hurricane in US history.  We had no power for four months and no water for two. One becomes quite creative in such circumstances. So far everything is quiet in the Atlantic, east of the Caribbean. Those few storms that have come our way have passed to the north of us...thank goodness.

On to other things... A couple of weeks ago the church enjoyed another outing. This trip was local. We went to a train museum and to a hammock museum in neighboring towns. The trip was a delight. I believe the final tally was forty-seven who climbed on the bus. These events draw the church together and give us a chance to invite our friends and neighbors to get to know the congregation in a casual setting.

Church outing: Train Museum
Speaking of the congregation, the attendance is coming out of the summer slump. The last five weeks we have had from 67 to 106 in attendance. Visitors have been numerous, and several are returning to worship with us. Our biggest attendance was prompted by a special event, Grandparents Day. One of our church members wrote a drama and several members "made it happen". 

That same day was a special moment. A couple that had been meeting with our church for several months was baptized. What a happy event in our service!

Coming up is Pastors Day where we recognize the elders/pastors in our congregation. Also, the 15 of October is a night to enjoy a campfire, roast hotdogs and play games at the church. The social events are important. 

Good attendance: 106
Last Sunday a couple of young mothers offered to paint the children's classroom and plan an outing for our children. I was delighted! 

The services are good in so many ways. Our church is blessed! We have many talented people and are willing to use their talents to bless others. To God be the glory. I think I have said my piece. 

Until next time...

Johnathan and Mary


Click to enlarge

One of two baptisms 

Fall church decorations

Drama: Grandparents Day

Sunrise view from our balcony


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