Aftermath of Hurricane Maria |
Hurricane Maria statistics: Good morning from PR. It is time for a quick update. Since our last blog, several church events have taken place but first, a little bit more about Hurricane Maria: Last week they released the final statistics about the storm. We received 38 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. It came ashore as a category 5 and exited our side of the island as a category 4. It has the distinction to be recognized as the storm with the the largest blackout in US history (3.4 billion hours of electricity have been lost.), and worldwide, surpassed only by a typhoon in the Philippines. 80% of the light poles were compromised or destroyed, 1,500 roads and bridges were damaged, 400,000 homes were damaged and 70,000 destroyed. Today, at seven months, there are still 100,000 clients (around 200,000 people) without electricity. Over 200,000 people have left the island and the number is projected to reach 500,000.
In response, the US government has allocated $20.0 billion for the reconstruction of PR through a Community Development Block Grant, a historical amount, and more is expected. Including funds sent through FEMA and the US Army Corp of Engineers, the total amount is estimated to be $31.8 billion. The total amount needed to improve the infrastructure to withstand category 4 storms is $50.0 billion according to a FEMA estimate. Local officials place the amount at $92.0 billion.
In some ways, life is back to normal on our side of the island. However, we continue to drive around washouts, avoid closed roads, work our way through the roads that are open but ever careful, since only a few traffic lights are working. And, everyone contends with frequent losses of water and power. Two days ago we were without electricity for over thirty-six hours.
International day of Missions |
On to church matters: The church has been busy. I believe we are turning the corner on the effects of the storm. Through mid-March, attendance was way down. We had no electricity for four months nor water for two here in Aguadilla. After recovering power we discovered all the church's air conditioners but one were ruined. Even the water fountain was damaged. Multiple-sicknesses have been rampant for over two months. Nevertheless, the church has weathered the storm and attendance is climbing back up. Nearly every Sunday it is in the 80's. Last Sunday we had 106. Visitors are coming in nearly every week. Some are staying. Monday there was a baptism and today I baptized another person. We have seen some re-dedications as well.
Good Friday |
Special church events: Good Friday is always a special service in the church. We have done dramas and cantatas in the past. This year we were blessed with a guest singer who did a beautiful job singing and exhorting the congregation. Mary counted 126 in attendance, a full to overflow crowd.
This past Sunday was our International Day, of Missions, an event we have emphasized for the past three years. This year our speaker had ministered to people from Columbia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. He gave us a primer on how to prepare and act on any trip to any country in Latin America. Our church has made six trips to the Dominican Republic and intends to make a seventh trip next year. People listened carefully to his advise. The service was followed by an international dinner, comprised of dishes from the countries he had visited; cooked by some of the women of the church --with fear and trepidation! The attendance was good and we enjoyed a positive ambiance from start to finish. There were also many compliments on the food!
Thursday baptism |
We continue to bless people affected from the hurricane. With the help of FundaciĆ³n Lazos de Amor Inc., we have been able to provide groceries to hundreds of people. Everywhere we go, as we visit, we offer a bag of food in the name of Christ, and in the name of the FundaciĆ³n de Lazos de Amor and the church, Iglesia Cristiana de Aguadilla. Today we helped out a family that has an eleven year old child who has been bedridden since a toddler. In addition to food, we paid a few months of expired water and electricity bills. Everywhere we look we see great needs. In another situation today, we visited an older single woman who's roof had been damaged in the storm. She was floundering in hopelessness, having no one to guide her toward repairing her home. Santos Torres, my co-worker, made a phone call to bring in a contractor friend for an estimate to repair the roof. She was so very grateful for the guidance. Perhaps soon she will be able to live in her house again. And so forth and so on goes our days. In and among these needs clamoring for attention, we carry out the tasks of Bible studies and sermon preparation, church board meetings and visitation of church members and all that is affiliated with an active church. Days are busy...but happy!
I guess that is it for now. Thanks for reading the blog.
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