A week from today is Good Friday. It is the "big" event of the year for most churches in Puerto Rico. Yes, even bigger than Easter Sunday. It is a carry over from centuries of Catholicism that tends to emphasize Christ's death more than His resurrection, at least here in Puerto Rico. Thus, the Good Friday service. Protestants do just the opposite, emphasizing the resurrection. Of course, as we know, both events are equally important. As the case may be, the church is preparing for Good Friday. One of our worship leaders has written a drama that several church members will be performing.
International Day of Missions |
The last five weeks have been busy. The 10th of March the church celebrated its 31st anniversary. We had a good crowd, a guest speaker and a dinner after the service. What started as a humble beginning of one person along with our family, has grown to a congregation that now runs around 90. We are witnessing 3rd generation believers. Many have come and gone throughout the years. Some have gone on to the Lord. Many others have moved to other towns or gone off island, to the USA. There are those who have grown up in Christ and serve the Lord faithfully where ever they are. I am fiercely proud of them! Still others have allowed the flame ignited by the Holy Spirit to die down till all that is left are smoldering ashes and wisps of smoke. My heart aches for them!
Two weeks later we celebrated our fourth International Missions' Day. Our speaker has dedicated most of her life to missions, visiting and working in 25 different countries. She did a great job speaking about what she had done and left a general appeal to vigorously pursue the Great Commission.
Groceries for an outreach effort |
We are excited about a new church plant in the southern city of Ponce sponsored by Myrtle Beach Christian Church and lead by Samuel Muñoz, who was converted in the Myrtle Beach Christian Church. Samuel moved back to PR this past year. Land has been purchased and Sunday evening services have been held for the past couple of months. Three of us men taking turns supply preaching each Sunday. The week after Easter the new church is to host an outreach with a VBS, a medical clinic and nightly services. Our church band will be traveling each evening to provide music for the services. Connected to that, we were able to come to an agreement with a food bank who generously supplied around 500 bags of groceries to be passed out at the events.
Beginning construction for a dormitory |
Also, there are stirrings to begin developing a 21 acre farm purchased by the island churches several years ago. A church in OH donated the money to do most of the construction of a simple dormitory as seen in the picture. The work has continued and the structure is close to completion. We are considering how we can continue to build additional structures. Already available is a refurbished house used as a meeting center and kitchen.
Well, I believe I have covered the highlights. So, I will stop here. By God's grace I will write again in a month or so. Blessings!
Johnathan and Mary
add a couple more dorms and bathrooms.
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