Hello from Puerto Rico. Christmas is right
around the corner and we have so much to do to get ready; not only the church
but our family as well. Speaking of family, we had the unique opportunity to be
together with our boys and their families over Thanksgiving. Our sons and Mary
and I surprised our daughters-in-law and granddaughter with a trip to NYC to
see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and take in many of the famous sites.
What a delight it was to be together. As missionaries, due to distance, cost,
and time, family get-togethers have been uncommon. Nevertheless, the bond has always
been strong and the Thanksgiving get-together was a blessing! “Thank you,
Mary and I celebrate forty-two years of
marriage next week. Our entire adult life has been lived here on the island.
Both of us came in our early twenties and now we are in the last half of our
sixties. It has gone fast. God has done beautiful things throughout the years. Hundreds have become believers. Certainly not all have remained in the faith or live here in Aguadilla. Yet, many of those converts still
honor the Lord to this day across PR and in the USA. Working with others (but mostly alone) three
churches have been established as well as a school. Thousands have been
educated. Thousands of Bible classes and sermons and similar efforts have been
carried out. I hardly know what to say as would any minister who has served the
Lord for forty-plus years. We give Him all the honor and glory.
Since our last newsletter, we have baptized one lady. What a delight to see her take this step. Speaking of
the church, it has been an unusual year, one of dynamic contrasts. Through May we
had the best average attendance in the history of the church. Then, we had
twenty people move to the States or other parts of the island over the summer.
New people from the area and even two people from Viet Nam and India have begun
to meet with us each Sunday. Another that had fallen away suddenly showed up
to renew congregating with us. Others, struggling with sin, have fallen by the
wayside as Jesus taught in His parable of the seed planted in stony and thorny
soil. Still others are growing, preaching, teaching and accepting new
responsibilities in the church. From a human standpoint, these changes have
taken me on a roller coaster of highs and lows and back again. However, I continue
to learn to walk by faith and believe our Lord is always in control of His
church, not only in the highs, but in the lows and in-betweens as well.

We are delighted to call all of you “friends” and many of you
“associates” in the sense that you have under-girded our efforts in Puerto Rico
for many years. Thank you!

Now back to putting up the Christmas tree with our granddaughter. Can anything be better than that! 😊 Mary and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. God bless you!
Johnathan and Mary

Now back to putting up the Christmas tree with our granddaughter. Can anything be better than that! 😊 Mary and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. God bless you!
Johnathan and Mary
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