Good afternoon. I thought I would take a few minutes and write a line or two. First, the virus and its effects: The island is locked down tightly. Curfew continues on from 7:00 PM to 5:00 AM seven days a week. On Sundays only hospitals, pharmacies (prescription area only), and the pumps at gasoline stations are open. Anyone out on the street for any other reason will be fined $1000.00 and have the car towed. Ministers/priests and church leaders are not allowed to visit their church members except for emergencies. To my knowledge, churches all over the island are cooperating with the government's edict of no gatherings of more than ten people, since the treatment is carefully crafted to provide equal treatment for all. I have read of some discriminatory practices against churches in a few cities in the USA. It is disconcerting for sure! It makes many wonder what is truly behind such decisions.

As far as I know, some churches in PR are doing Facebook live or using YouTube or Whats App, and Zoom. Although some of our small groups in the church are using Zoom, and Whats App, so far we are not doing videos. However, I suspect we are about to transition to that since the social distancing is extending for much longer than we had expected. Seven of us church leaders are writing articles for a weekly Facebook page. Ours is
Iglesia Cristiana de Aguadilla if you want to try your hand at Spanish. In addition, we call all of our church members each week, share scriptures we recommend they read, and have prayers with them. The church is doing well. No one is sick from the virus. Everyone is careful to practice social distancing. I am given the impression people are pursuing the Lord more intensely. That is good!
"Sis" |
Mary is working from my office, teaching on-line, mostly during the morning hours. I clear out so she can have freedom to work. As for me, I have a yard with a cyclone fence that, for the first time ever, has not one vine or blade of grass on it. Both sides of the fence are free of unwanted vegetation except for orchids I have hanging from trees in wire baskets my sister-in-law and I made from some left over rabbit cage wire. "Sis", as we call her, has been here since early March and is staying put. As you know, travel by air is dangerous. She/we also have the ornamental plant garden in optimum shape. Tomatoes are up and the zucchini seeds are in the ground. For the first time in many years I have had time to baby my plants.
The rest of the time is spent reading two or three books and doing odd jobs around the house and pestering Mary when she is not working 😁.
We do hope all of you are well and that peace, not fear and anxiety, dominates your lives. I am reminded of a passage Paul gave Timothy when Timothy was probably looking at the bared fangs of some frightening consequences for following Jesus. Paul wrote, "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but one of power, love, and self-control." (II Timothy 1:7). May we keep that in mind.
Until next time, blessings!
Johnathan and Mary
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