Good afternoon. Wow! We are approaching mid-May. Almost two months have passed since we began the odyssey of Covid-19. As someone once said, "Who would have thunk?' We are up to 3284 cases on the island. A month or so ago it was 286. When I consider that we have 3.1 million people living on the island that number of 3284 doesn't sound too bad to me. As in the States, the majority have or are recovering. We have been under strict restrictions for the past month: Curfew 7 PM to 5 AM. No one is allow out on Sundays except for medical emergencies and gasoline and medicine purchases. No groups of larger than 10 are allowed to assemble. Masks are required whenever one is out and around people. I suppose I could go on but the scenario is probably similar where you live. This past Monday the government began opening things up in stages. I understand churches will be in the last group to be given the go ahead nod.
I don't know of anyone in the church who has the virus. The people are taking the matter seriously. Many have expressed a keen desire to congregate. That will come. Patience is a virtue...isn't it? So how do we minister when we can't get together? Our church has been divided into 6 groups of 8 families. This week we will move to 8 groups of 6 families. Every Saturday the leaders of the groups, collectively, call the entire church and share some selected scriptures, announcements (if any), ask if there are prayer requests, and then pray with the family. We have also put up on Facebook a devotional thought written by various members of the congregation. And, as of this past week, we have begun offering a prerecorded short service consisting of a song or two played by the band and a brief message preached by yours truly. The response has been better than we had anticipated.
Mary and I have had the privilege to receive considerable fresh produce and cleaning supplies from a food bank, which we have passed out to the church members and others in need. There is a need. Unemployment is to reach 37% this month. It has allowed us to have brief face-to-face contact with the majority of our church's families even though it has been through a fence and behind gloves and mask. The smile behind the mask, though not seen, was big as we passed out the products😁. I believe we received the greater blessing! "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
When will we begin services again? Well, we don't know. When that time comes the church board will have to decide the best way and place to meet. I suspect we will meet outside on the church property in order to practice social distancing efficiently. Rarely does it rain in our town in the morning hours so it should work. We shall see.
Did she say "apple pie"? |
Mary is working from home, This is her last semester to teach. So, she has confiscated my office and works from morning till early afternoon. The office computer is essential. I laughingly tell people I have no issues with that. She gets paid more than me 😀! By having her home all types of goodies are coming out of her kitchen. This is the typical response from me. Well, enough clowning around! Don't you agree!
In closing I should add that the confining circumstances have encouraged us to read the Word more, prayer more, and call believers more. That is good! I hope you can say something similar as well.
Until next time, blessings from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.
Johnathan and Mary Reece
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