Abril 22, 2023

Good Friday
Hi everyone. I want to share several events that have taken place this past month. Easter is now fading into the past but we celebrated it with three services. First was Good Friday. This year's service was produced by one of our worship leaders. She wrote a play and with the addition of several popular songs, expanded it into a musical.  Several (I suppose around fifteen or so) of our church members participated, either by singing or playing one of the roles. It turned out really nice. Mary counted an attendance from the mid-nineties to one--hundred; the best attendance of the year for us. Sunday morning we had a 6:30 service followed by breakfast. Sunday School was cancelled and we met for a worship service at 10:00. Again, we had a good attendance...always an encouragement for the entire church.

Three baptized
Also on Easter Sunday,  I had the privilege to baptize three new believers. I had had a Bible study the week before and all that was lacking to demonstrate their faith in Christ was baptism to which all readily complied. It was quite a delightful moment for everyone. I am following up with new convert classes for them.

The other day Mary and I were counting new people in the congregation added over the past fifteen months. We counted sixteen. We were surprised. I have noticed the attendance is coming back up...certainly not where we were 4 years ago before the shake out of two hurricanes, an earthquake and COVID but the church is coming back. Most all Sundays we're in the low 70's. It is encouraging. 

Other events have been two ladies groups gatherings. One was a monthly prayer group and the other was a social event designed to invite a friend. We are always looking for ways to bring people in contact with the congregation. It is not easy.

Pray ministry

Finally we are about to complete a building project, financed in part by International Disaster Emergency Service. The project, on the books since November, had been delayed due to FEMA's slow disbursement of some funds to help those who suffered loss in Hurricane Fiona. We were able to combine an IDES's grant, some additional gifts from another source in FL and FEMA monies to replace the roof of the home of an elderly woman and her son. We project that project will be completed in a couple of weeks. That pretty much wraps it up. 

Blessings to you!

Johnathan and Mary Reece 

Teach a child in the way he should go.

Downtown Aguadilla
(Photographer unknown)

One of three baptisms Easter Sunday

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