May 17, 2023

There are just a couple of events I want to share this time. The first has to do with a project connected to Hurricane Fiona which happened last September. Through the generosity of International Disaster Emergency Service and other sources, we were able to help many families recover their losses by providing funds to repair roofs, buy clothes, appliances, beds and similar items. 
One project that was pending was a house repair for an elderly woman and her son. Most of the roof had been damaged and they were living in the most adverse conditions, water pouring into the interior of the house with each rainfall. By combining FEMA money (which had been delayed till last month), IDES funds and money from other sources, and using locally donated labor, the house is now repaired and painted. Life returns to normal for this dear lady and her son. I have added a summary of all that was done: 

1. All the damaged roof was removed.
2. All new rafters were installed.
3. A new roof was put on.
4. The interior was rewired.
5. New walls replaced the damaged interior walls.
6. The house was painted both inside and out. 
7. All the rubble was hauled away.

Photos below give a better idea of the project.

The other event on our agenda took place last Sunday, Mothers' Day. It is always a major item on the church calendar. On Mothers' Day the ladies do not cook. Guys do the "heaving lifting"; doing the cooking, serving and cleaning up. I heard many good comments about the day. Instead of me preaching, one of our worship leaders wrote a drama for the occasion. The title was "Super Mom" and performed by five women from the church. I heard a lot of good comments about the performance.

Well, that wraps it up! Thanks for stopping by to read. 


Damaged house after Hurricane Fiona

Replacement roof

Finished project

Project completed

Mothers' Day: Drama: Super Mom

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